Crap. I'm glad I figured this out.
Now gotta figure out how to fix...problem is, Picasa is doing the file conversion when I upload the photos. If I set the camera to take .jpg images in high res, I'm wondering if they'll look as good (or close) to the .NEF (RAW) images???
My hope is that Picasa is screwing them up, and that .jpg are not really THAT much lesser quality than the RAW images.
Problem is, right now there's not any point in even uploading the .jpgs, they look so terrible. I don't want ALL my pictures to look that bad.
On the flip side, none of the online photo hosting sites handle RAW images. I thought SmugMug did, but it's a real pain in the ass...not worth it.
Nikon has its own hosting service, but it's probably expensive, and not very user-friendly.
Crap, I can't BELIEVE how bad the .jpgs look coming out of picasa....
Anyone have any ideas?