
The economy is booming...right?

Today, the DOW achieved its highest level since June 2008. State of the economy? Someone's getting rich, and it isn't the middle class. This ought to be thought-provoking stuff...a lot of corporations are receiving injections of capital - so where is the hiring? The "real" unemployment rate is 15-20% (the "deflated" numbers you hear on the news don't include the people who are no longer counted as part of the statistic...mainly those who have simply given up looking for a job and those who are "underemployed" or making tens of thousands less than they once did).

And so here in Michigan we have a governor who wants to cut taxes on corporations (to "stimulate job creation" of course), and raise taxes on retirees by taxing their pensions - AND cut the per pupil school funding by around $400.

Is this guy for real? (Well yeah...his name is Rick Snyder)