
The botfly in my head

This is pretty fascinating. I saw a link to this video in the New York Times this morning. Thank you to naturebreak.org.


What's up with Facebook?

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, or rant and rave about nothing, but Facebook is getting annoying.

Today someone tagged me on a note that was attached to a nasty photo of a dog - presumably one of Michael Vick's (who's to say?) - who's face had been so mangled, it looked like spaghetti. Seriously, I don't need or want to see this. Especially not on Facebook. I thought about sending the person a note explaining my disgust, but then decided I didn't want to hurt the person's feelings, and left it alone.

I'm gonna hitch off on a tangent here:

Come on people...the guy has paid his dues. OBVIOUSLY he screwed up...and he spent 18 months in prison. And frankly, who are we to say we shouldn't let the guy pursue life, liberty, and happiness, now that he's paid his dues? This is the United States of America. People get out of prison everyday. Some go on to be productive citizens, some don't. People have been convicted of manslaughter, and served less time. I'm not condoning the guy's actions - no way...but there are far more important issues we should be focused on.

And as far as Facebook goes...I don't want to be part of your "Mafia Wars crew", I'm probably not going to "support your cause", and I don't want anything to do with your "Sunshine Ranch"...I may have been your classmate, but I'm not into "Yearbook" - and I'm not going to "Send my friends a sunset", or a "full charm bracelet".

Come on people! Seriously...this is a huge drain on society. People who could be working on something productive, are instead quizzing themselves on "Who is your guardian angel", or "If I were a state, which one would I be?" or "How heartless are you?" Hahaha wow.

And a note to Mark Zuckerberg:

See MySpace. It could happen to you too.